Monday, April 27, 2020

How to Debate Controversial Subjects

How to Debate Controversial SubjectsDebates about controversial topics are inevitable in an argumentative society. In our fast-paced society, it's important that we all learn to debate.The only way we're going to ever win a debate is if we educate ourselves and learn how to debate well. We should all read books on the subject, attend seminars on the subject, and watch debates on the subject. No one should be allowed to call themselves a 'debater' if they can't even debate competently on their feet. If we do not learn to debate, it will be hard for us to get through a disagreement and come out the victor.The smartest, most intelligent individuals in the world already know how to debate. They know how to turn a debate on its head and use arguments to convince the other person. Because they know how to debate well, they naturally win more debates than you or I could ever hope to. There is nothing to learn that will help you win a debate, unless you learn how to debate well. We don't hav e to attend seminars or conferences to learn how to debate.One way to make sure that you don't take yourself too seriously when debating controversial subjects is to stay calm and act like you are a logical, reasonable adult. Don't sweat the debate - even if it's bad, just focus on the facts, and the topic at hand. Let other people, both your opponents and your friends, think that they are winning. You will not win when you are always nervous and make others doubt you, just because you are fighting a losing battle.When you debate on controversial subjects, the conversation must move on to other topics, because your opponent won't. When they get tired of hearing you argue, they will move on to something else. Your opponents will find the topic of debate to be boring and move on to something else, leaving you to debate a topic that they either care less about or care much less about.Instead of making other people feel bad for bringing up the topic of debate, remember that you only bro ught it up because you are trying to prove a point to them. Do not try to make them feel that you are wrong or that you are doing them a big disservice by debating. It is perfectly acceptable to debate if you are properly trained and educated on the subject matter.Also, when you debate on controversial subjects, you are proving to everyone that you are not afraid to debate. The fact that your opponent won't bring up the topic does not mean that you cannot or should not make your points. In fact, it is a sign of strength on your part to debate topics that other people are debating.If you debate on controversial subjects, you will be forced to change your debate strategy when the topics change. You may have to change your presentation style to emphasize different points when you are debating on topics that were not in play during the first debate.

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