Monday, April 27, 2020
Paper Topic For the Iliad - Understanding How the Iliad Can Help With Your History Paper
Paper Topic For the Iliad - Understanding How the Iliad Can Help With Your History PaperThe Athenian comedy Othello focuses on the question of whether or not it is acceptable to treat the same woman as a long-term partner and to commit to her as such. It should be clear that the answer to this question will vary depending on the circumstances of each individual woman, but the point I am trying to make here is that the Othello scenario can serve as a good example of the way in which a paper topic for the Iliad can function. In fact, I would argue that the paper topic for the Iliad could have been just about any situation where a man's choice of partner might have important implications for his fate.The paper topic for the Iliad is the black of the night, which was a mythical place of death and destruction. It is also a place where women took part in wars; so if we wanted to write a paper topic for the Iliad we would have to take into account what kind of women's people like Empedocles and Sylla were killing off in their campaigns.It is interesting to see how far back the tradition of considering women on the black of the night goes. In the Iliad it was called Nymphe, the goddess of wildness and chaos, and in the Odyssey it was the fates of the tragic hero Odysseus who became entangled with her. This was a highly significant role in both Greek culture and life in general, and it is not too surprising that it has stayed with us down the centuries.In the Iliad Odysseus picks up three goddesses: Eurynome, Phoibe and Alcyone. He gives them all a gift: his famous needle, as well as one of the famous banqueters. As a gift for Nymphe, Odysseus tells her that his hour has come and he must return home. But when he does return home, he finds that there is no woman left to ask for a gift from.Of course, we should not take the paper topic for the Iliad too literally. It is a difficult theme, and in some cases it may have had too great a resonance to be of much practical use in the history of literature. But there are other situations where it is a good idea to consider how the Iliad can serve as a paper topic for the Iliad.This is because it is only by looking at the paper topic for the Iliad as a whole that we can see what its greatest strengths and weaknesses are. By looking at the main characters of the story we can try to work out what role each of them plays within the Iliad, and whether or not their actions and reactions are going to affect the outcome of the main plot.Take for example the last scene of the Iliad where Dithyramb is drowned. The treatment of the woman by the men of Odysseus' household is of course going to play a significant role in the main events of the story and it is only when we take the time to look at the stories of each of the women in the household that we can see the extent to which they are treated as mere sexual objects by the men of Odysseus' household.All this isn't to say that the paper topic for the Iliad needs to deal with sexuality. What I am suggesting is that we shouldn't allow the paper topic for the Iliad to just be any old sexual aspect. Instead, we should always take the time to consider the story as a whole, and what it tells us about the way that men in ancient Greece actually behaved towards one another.
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